Category Archives: Announcements

New Promotions.

When you signup with any of our package and pay monthly you get 30% your first month and second month FREE!! Use coupon 30OFF. This is for a limited time only.

Posted in Announcements, Promotions | 69 Comments

New Plans

HostedFX is proud to announce our new plans. We now offer New Dedicated server plans from budget to enterprise servers all at an affordable prices. New VPS Plans- More ram and more space on all our VPS Plans New Prices. … Continue reading

Posted in Announcements, General Updates, Website Updates | 34 Comments

Apache 2.2.9 Introduced to all Servers

This is a quick update to let everyone know that HostedFX has now officially upgraded all of our servers to be using the latest stable build of Apache – version 2.2.9. We have previously delayed the upgrade as we wanted … Continue reading

Posted in Announcements, Software, Upgrades | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

A New Member to the Support Team

As HostedFX expands and our client base increases, the need for an extra member of staff to assist with keeping our clients happy is simply a necessity. We currently have a couple of support staff, a mystery technician, and contacts … Continue reading

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August Income Will be Donated to Charity

On this Thursday, I was sitting in a restaurant and noticed over in the far corner there was a lady who seemed to just basically be talking to as many people as possible. It turns out her job was to … Continue reading

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