Apache 2.2.9 Introduced to all Servers

This is a quick update to let everyone know that HostedFX has now officially upgraded all of our servers to be using the latest stable build of Apache – version 2.2.9. We have previously delayed the upgrade as we wanted to make certain that most, if not all, of the bugs would be corrected by the time we have upgraded. We believe now is a great time to roll out the latest version of Apache, whilst maintaining our stable hosting environment.

The full list of new features and benefits of Apache 2 can be seen here.

The upgrade is now complete, and out of our eight servers we have only had one report of there being an issue – which was quickly resolved. As always, if you have any issues they we be quickly addressed via our secure client area.

Thank you,
Gareth Hodson

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2 Responses to Apache 2.2.9 Introduced to all Servers

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