Category Archives: Security

A New Payment Method and a Securer Client Area

As we expand as a company, we have to think even more so about how we can make each and every visitor to our website have a better and safer experience – regardless of if they are a customer or … Continue reading

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The Clients Area Has Moved…(Kind Of)

Very quick update for you guys, The clients/order/support area for HostedFX has always been located at – but now I have decided to move it onto the domain of This is predominantly for two main reasons; 1. Having … Continue reading

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General Security/Performance Upgrades

Over the past 24 hours we have added some extra safety precautions to our server in order to secure the protection and integrity of all our clients and their websites. In addition, we have made a few tweaks to ensure … Continue reading

Posted in Security, Software, Upgrades | 2 Comments

[Warning] TopSites

In the past week there have been issues on several servers which point back to TopSites installations. TopSites is a popular site ranking script which you may be familiar with. The problem we see is that many different IPs (most … Continue reading

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Recent DOS Attacks

Unfortunately we have been having some downtime issues over the last 24 hours due to several DOS attacks. Be assured that we are working on stopping and preventing this from happening in the future. We have been constantly monitoring the … Continue reading

Posted in Issues, Security | 5 Comments